Friday, January 24, 2014

Blanket Crush - our new baby home decor site

A little bit on baby home decor..... ; )

Some of you already know my younger sister has a baby home decor business - We make these really great baby blankets!  I have had some time off lately and have been helping out quite a bit with the biz.  We have an Etsy store now.  Yay! Progress.  The baby home decor business is called Blanket Crush - we make baby blankets, receiving blankets, baby duvet covers, pillowcases, and crib decor.  

Thanks for checking out our store and as soon as we can generate a little bit of money we'll be able to buy more fabric and can keep sewing......Ill keep posting new items here and at the store......

Visit our Esty Store

Here are the newest samples of all the Baby Home Decor - aren't they fun?  I know the pictures are not great - Im working on taking better photos (since this falls into my responsibility) - this new venture is all about a learning experience for us - i totally want to hear what you think - post a comment!

The Skulls pillow case

For the boys

For the boys

for the boys

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